Hello folks; I start posting today on this Fastpages blog. In it, I intend to put in writing my experience with learning from Jeremy and Rachel’s course, Fastai. The first thing I have to say is that my experience in the field of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning is absolutely zero. Not even until I discovered Fastai by chance, could I say that my interest in these topics was none. Why did, I decide to introduce myself in this experience? I have to say, and this is an absolute recognition to the work and dedication of both Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas, that the Fastai course is a very valuable resource, one you can find in a million on the internet, and I think I fall short in my praise. I come from the world of music and teaching. My first contact with programming and computing was through the Supercollider programming language. I also learned Python and the Music21 and Lilypond libraries. I have been using the Fastai course for about three months now and I have to say, I’m really enjoying it! My intention is to take deep learning to my professional field, which is music teaching, musicological research and music creation. I would like to work with Fastai together with Supercollider and Music21, so I would be very grateful if someone from the community already has experience in the use of all these tools and share knowledge. To finish this first introduction post, I am very excited to be part of this Fastai community and I would like to share my knowledge with you.